Make a Gift List and Check It Twice.

The holiday shopping season is here, and that means it is crunch time for gift giving. Whether buying for a small group of people or a large family it is important to stay organized, says Christina Giaquinto, professional organizer and brand ambassador of Modular Closets. Here are some of her tips:

Write a list of ideas and check it twice. "Lists are the best way to stay organized. Grab a pen and paper, write down every person's name, and list out a bunch of ideas for what gifts you might get them. This gets your brain flowing with ideas. Trust me, the hardest part is figuring out what to get people, so if you write a list of possible options, you are off to a great start."

What is your budget? "Giving gifts can get out of hand when it comes to your wallet, so do not feel pressured to give more than you can. Set a strict budget and stick to it. To stay under budget, search for online promo codes and special discounts for social media followers."

Set your online shopping deadline now. "The last thing you will want to do is rush to the mall several hours before a holiday soiree to try to find a gift for the party host. I strongly suggest ordering online as early as possible. Always check each item's website to see if they guarantee delivery, and what date you need to order by You do not want to take the chance...

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