Local Recycling Centers

AuthorKyler Massner
Part I: Remove Code Barriers 27
Kyler Massner (author)
Jonathan Rosenbloom & Christopher Duerksen (editors)
Recycling has long been one of the most popular act ivities pursued by local
communities.1 e goal of recycling is to nd ways to reuse items and materi-
als that would otherwise be discarded into landlls. Some of the most com-
mon materials recycled include paper, plastic, and aluminum.2 Establishing
recycling centers within a municipal a rea helps to promote the practice of
recycling as they a llow for close and convenient collection points for recy-
clable materials.3 is proposal would permit recycling centers in a variety of
zones to help make recycling easier, convenient and ecient. Allowing recy-
cling centers to be in or near commercial and /or residential areas can increa se
recycling rates by bringing the opportunities to recycle closer to people.
Recycling can be both a public service and a for-prot business. Recycling
removes trash and unwanted items, resulting in a benet to the public.4 In
addition, it can provide the recycler with the opportunity to repurpose or
resell the recycled material s.5 ese immediate benets are also ac companied
by reductions in greenhouse gases (GHG). Materials that could be recycled
are often discarded a nd end up in landlls.6 A s items decay in landlls meth-
ane gas is released.7 Metha ne is a powerful GHG that can be 28-36 times
more ecient at trapping heat than carbon dioxide over 100 years,8 making
it a powerful and potent GHG. Reducing the amount of trash put into land-
lls also reduces t he number and size of landlls, which in t urn reduces the
amount of methane that land lls produce.9 Furthermore, recycled materials
can also be more ecient than u sing new materials, thus reducing additional
GHGs that would otherwise accrue in t he manufacturing process of new

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