LMSB Stands Up and Takes It on the Road.

TEI members, practitioners, and IRS employees have been meeting across the country this summer to learn more about the IRS's new Large and Mid-Size Business (LMSB) Division. In cities from Boston to Seattle, the IRS -- in co-sponsorship with local TEI chapters -- has held 18 external town hall meetings to introduce LMSB's constituency to the new organization. An integral part of the IRS's restructuring, the new division stood up on June 4.

The meetings have attracted between 100 and 400 participants each from the local community. The program features presentations by Division Commissioner Larry R. Langdon and other top LMSB officials, including new Division Counsel Linda B. Burke (both former TEI Presidents), as well as panel discussions with members of TEI, the American Association of Certified Public...

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