LMA eLearning classroom: effective business writing 201.

PositionEvent Calendar - Calendar

December 13, December 20, January 10, January 17

4:00-5:00 p.m. ET; 3:00pm-4:00 p.m. CT; 2:00 p.m.-3:00pm MT; 1:00-2:00 p.m. PT

Presenter: Jeffrey Bannon, president and CEO of BusinessTalk The recommended prerequisite to this course is successful completion of the Effective Business Writing 101.

Course Description:

This course will focus on four major skill areas:

* Paragraph and document structure--creating dynamic, appealing, and effective paragraphs as well as short documents.

* Communication styles--recognizing your own writing style and learning when and how to adjust that style when writing to important readers.

* Press releases--what are the key elements of a successful press release for law firm employees and others?

* Proofreading and editing the writing of others--how to best manage the writing efforts of your direct reports and how to skillfully edit writing pieces from senior members of your organization (law firm partners, etc.)


* Four weeks; 4 one-hour classes; 8 hours of coursework

* Can't make the "live" class? No problem, class replays available within hours of the conclusion...

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