Living history interview With Lucy Reed

One of the unique features of Transnational Law and Contempor ary
Problems (“TLCP”) is the publication of a “Living History Interview” with a
person of international accomplishment and renown. The Living History
Interview complements the symposium format of TLCP by blending theory
and practice, thus giving a pract ical perspective to the questions e xamined in
the symposium. The purpose of the Living History Interview is to invite the
responses of a prominent international scholar, jurist, or politiciannot to
explore his or her professional point of v iew, but to gain insight into his or
her personal perspectives as shaped by historical events in order to better
understand the complex nature of international law. For this feature of
TLCP, we conducted an interview with Lucy Reed, who served as the
President of the American Society fo r International Law from 2008 to 2010.

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