Little Tom DeLays waiting to get out.

Position10 MILES SQUARE - Tom DeLay - Political corruption

The great Washington scandals of the past were gifts that kept on giving. Think Watergate, and how each new revelation led to discoveries of deeper and more systemic corruption. Today's Capitol muckrakers are beginning to think that Tom DeLay's troubles will provide a similar mother lode. After all, the lucrative political machine that DeLay formed with K Street lobbyists included more than a few eager Republicans. Crack Tom DeLay, the thinking goes, and out they will tumble.--The Editors

Tom DeLay (R-Texas)

Currently under investigation for accepting gifts and paid vacations from lobbyists and foreign interests, as well as engineering a political money-laundering scheme in which corporate contributions were illegally funneled to Texas Republican candidates. Received three separate admonishments from the House Ethics Committee for bribing a House Republican for a vote, using Homeland Security resources to track the movement of Texas House Democrats during a redistricting battle, and encouraging a Kansas energy company to believe that a donation to his PAC would get it "a seat at the table" where the energy bill would be written.

Bob Ney (R-Ohio)

Currently under investigation for accepting campaign contributions and paid vacations in exchange for sponsoring an amendment that would reopen the Tigua Indian's Speaking Rock Casino...

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