Little did I know.

AuthorGeorge, David L.
PositionFrom the Chair - Challenges of accounting profession - Brief Article

It seems like only yesterday, but it was a year ago, that I stood before you describing the challenges faced by the profession, along with my initiative to communicate to young people in high schools, colleges and universities about our dynamic and diverse profession.

I also told you that I was stepping into the very big shoes of Don Gursey. Little did I know of the events to come!

I never could have imagined that the importance of what we do, and the implications if it's not done properly, would be daily fodder for front-page newspaper headlines and nightly television news programs for months on end.


This year was filled with controversy and jolted from one important matter to another: the California Board of Accountancy sunset review process; the dialogue and passion created by the XYZ/global credential proposal; the collapse of Enron and Andersen; and the seemingly daily attacks on the profession by California legislators, many of whom appear to be using the situation to further their own political careers.

And we cannot ignore the unforgettable events of Sept. 11 that forever changed the world we live in.


The current controversy in Sacramento and nationally, undoubtedly will change the face of the profession in the years to come.

Have certain members of the business community, and those within, or closely associated with the profession, moved the profession off-center from the values that serve as our foundation?

We seem to be confronting a failure of character by a small number of individuals both within and outside the profession, at influential levels.

While the characteristics of American business include healthy competition within the rules, it seems that too many decisions are made with the priority of a self-serving monetary reward as the desirable outcome, rather than doing the right thing. No matter how successful or influential, every business person--including CPAs--is individually accountable to our system, and our laws.

We all serve as role models, whether for the public, our children or our employees, and we must reflect on the meaning and responsibility of being in business as well as the "public" in certified public accountant.


My time went quickly, as many who have served CalCPA in the past told me it would. I would like to have the luxury of completing unfinished business. What is not unfinished however, is my observation of the tremendous devotion...

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