Listen to the tooth fairy.

PositionWhat's New? - Twooth Pocket Pal from The Twooth Timer Company

Never underestimate the power of greed as motivation for kids. Telling them what the right thing to do can be reinforced effectively with a little payola on the side, no matter how child psychologists downplay the practice. We speak from experience, since a dime a week (admittedly at a time when a dime could buy something besides two nickels) helped cure us of youthful nail-biting. For youngsters on the brink of losing their baby teeth, the Tooth Fairy can serve to get across valuable (in more ways than one) lessons about dental hygiene.

The Twooth Pocket Pal from The Twooth Timer Company, Dallas, Tex., is a 13"-high plush tooth-like character wearing sneakers, a baseball cap, gloves, and a vest. The latter has a pocket designed for teeth to be placed into once they have fallen out or been pulled from a child's mouth. The following morning, the...

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