Liquidity as Social Expertise

Date01 April 2018
Published date01 April 2018
Liquidity as Social Expertise
This paper proposes a theory of liquidity dynamics. Illiquidity results from asymmet-
ric information. Observing the historical track record teaches agents how to interpret
public information and helps overcome information asymmetry.However, an illiquid-
ity trap can arise: too much asymmetric information leads to the breakdown of trade,
which interrupts learning and perpetuates illiquidity. Liquidity falls in response to
unexpected events that lead agents to question their valuation models (especially
in newer markets) may be slow to recover after a crisis, and is higher in periods of
This theory is based on the interaction between information asymmetry and
social learning.
Liquidity is an elusive concept, with the literature on it plagued by challenges
of both definition and measurement.1In this paper, I refer to the following
notion of liquidity: The liquidity of an asset class is the fraction of the potential
gains from trade in that asset class that are realized in equilibrium. If the
potential gains from trade are large, it is tautologically true that asset liquidity
has important consequences for social welfare.
The theory in this paper is based on a minor modification of an otherwise
standard model of trade under asymmetric information in the spirit of Akerlof
(1970). The assumption is that rather than being purely uninformed, asset
buyers have access to some information, but their ability to make use of that
information depends on their collective experience, which I refer to as “social
expertise.” The model abstracts from the specific features of the assets that are
traded. However, to fix ideas, it is useful to think about the model as applying
to markets such as the market for initial public offerings (IPOs), the primary
market for asset-backed securities, or the primary market for sovereign bonds.
Pablo Kurlat is with the Department of Economics, Stanford University. An early version
of parts of this paper circulated under the title ‘Lemons, Market Shutdowns and Learning’. I
am grateful to Manuel Amador, Marios Angeletos, Ricardo Caballero, Bengt Holmstr¨
om, Peter
Kondor, Juan Pablo Nicolini, Fabrizio Perri, Victor Rios-Rull, Jean Tirole, Iv´
an Werning, and
various seminar participants for helpful comments. I have read the Journal of Finance’s disclosure
policy and have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
1See Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) for a discussion of the conceptual issues and Goyenko,
Holden, and Trzcinka (2009) for a discussion of measurement.
DOI: 10.1111/jofi.12606
620 The Journal of Finance R
The model works as follows. Each period, “sellers” own assets of heteroge-
neous quality that are independent over time. These assets are more productive
if held by “buyers” rather than sellers, so there are gains from trade. Sellers
know the asset qualities but buyers cannot observe them, so a classic lemons
problem arises.
Buyers can alleviate their information disadvantage by observing public,
asset-specific signals. However, for these signals to be useful, buyers need to
know how signals correlate with asset qualities. The key assumption in the
model is that the joint distribution of signals and asset qualities, summarized
by the single parameter μ, is not known exactly. Agents can learn about μfrom
commonly observed data, based on a sample of past assets. For each of them,
the data contain the signal it produced when it was created and an indicator
for how it turned out. The idea is that agents turn to the historical track record
in making sense of the information available on any given asset, which is stan-
dard practice among financial analysts. For instance, the popular textbook by
Damodaran (2008) provides guidance on the use of “comparables” to determine
which pieces of information about a particular asset one should focus on and
shows how to use them in valuation. One of the challenges, in practice, is find-
ing a sufficiently large and sufficiently similar sample of historical precedents.
In terms of the model, the question is at what rate are observations added to
the historical sample. I assume that this rate depends positively on the volume
of trade, a form of learning-by-doing.
The model delivers several predictions about the relationship between infor-
mation, trading, and liquidity.The first result is that if information asymmetry
is sufficiently severe, liquidity is increasing in the precision of agents’ estimates
of μ. Knowing μincreases traders’ ability to extract information from signals,
reducing the degree of information asymmetry and increasing liquidity. Hence,
liquidity is a function of traders’ expertise. Asset prices, the level of investment,
and the volume of trade are increasing in liquidity.
Depending on parameters, the model may feature an “illiquidity trap.” If at
any point in time, estimates of μare sufficiently imprecise, assets will be com-
pletely illiquid and trade will break down. If the learning process is such that
data only are generated by trading, markets will generate no data for agents
to learn from, which will perpetuate the illiquidity. Whether the economy falls
into an illiquidity trap depends on the sample realizations during the first few
periods. If the first observations lead to precise and correct estimates of μ,this
will increase liquidity and reinforce the learning process, which becomes self-
sustaining. If instead the first observations lead to imprecise estimates of μ
because they conflict with each other or with agents’ prior, signals will become
uninformative, which will lead to the illiquidity trap. Even under parameters
such that there is no permanent illiquidity trap, market liquidity can be slow
to recover after a disruption.
The model also predicts that markets will tend to become more liquid over
time, as traders accumulate more observations with which to estimate μ.Inthe
short run, unexpected events disrupt liquidity because they increase buyers’
uncertainty as to whether they are using the correct model (i.e., the correct
Liquidity as Social Expertise 621
value of μ) to evaluate assets. This increases information asymmetry and low-
ers liquidity. Furthermore, unexpected events will be more disruptive in newer
markets, where traders have not had time to accumulate a long track record of
observations and thus revise their beliefs more strongly in light of new infor-
I next extend the model to allow the structure of the economy, as captured by
μ, to change over time. In this case, unexpected events will be more common
in times of structural change and therefore liquidity will be higher when the
underlying economy is more stable. Even in the long run, liquidity will remain
The dynamics of the model follow from positive feedback between learning
and trading. The fact that trading generates observations to learn from is sim-
ply an assumption, though I provide examples of underlying models that could
give rise to it. The main contribution of the paper is to show how,despite the fact
that asset payoffs are independent over time, past observations can generate
useful expertise that alleviates information asymmetry and increases liquidity.
This paper relates to several strands of literature. First, it builds on the
literature following Akerlof (1970) on how asymmetric information can cre-
ate barriers to trade (Wilson (1980), Kyle (1985), Glosten and Milgrom (1985),
Levin (2001), Attar, Mariotti, and Salani´
e(2011)). The main contribution rela-
tive to this literature is to explore the effect of more precise knowledge about
the information structure on trade in a simple model that is quite close to
Akerlof’s (1970) basic setup.
Second, the paper relates to a large literature on social learning. The form of
learning of interest here, namely, learning that is dependent on economic ac-
tivity, has been studied by Veldkamp (2005), van Nieuwerburgh and Veldkamp
(2006), Ordo˜
nez (2009), and Fajgelbaum, Schaal, and Taschereau-Dumouchel
(2014). These stories focus on agents who need to learn the level of aggregate
productivity to make production and investment decisions. This paper focuses
instead on agents who learn the right way to evaluate assets, and studies the
consequences this has for market liquidity. The mechanics of the illiquidity
trap are also related to the informational cascades studied by Banerjee (1992)
and Caplin and Leahy (1994).
Finally, the paper contributes to the literature on the sources of liquidity
fluctuations. These include theories based on asymmetric information (Daley
and Green (2012), Cespa and Foucault (2014), Dang, Gorton, and Holmstr¨
(2015), Daley and Green (2016)), theories based on Knightian uncertainty or
non-Bayesian learning (Hong, Stein, and Yu (2007), Caballero and Krishna-
murthy (2008), Routledge and Zin (2009), Uhlig (2010)), and theories based
on balance sheet effects (Shleifer and Vishny (1992), Holmstr¨
om and Tirole
(1997), Kiyotaki and Moore (1997), Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009)). In my
model, the liquidity of an asset class can fluctuate even though all agents are
Bayesian, none are financially constrained, and the distribution of payoffs for
the asset class remains unchanged.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section Idescribes the model.
Section II characterizes the static outcomes of the model. Section III presents

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