Licensing standard‐essential patents in artificial intelligence‐based apps: A theory on dynamic royalty pricing mechanism

Published date01 November 2023
AuthorSunandan Baruah,Ankur P. Saikia
Date01 November 2023
Received: 27 February 2023
Accepted: 25 March 2023
DOI: 10.1111/jwip.12278
Licensing standardessential patents in artificial
intelligencebased apps: A theory on dynamic
royalty pricing mechanism
Sunandan Baruah |Ankur P. Saikia
Computer Science and Engineering, Assam
Down Town University, Guwahati, India
Ankur P. Saikia, Computer Science and
Engineering, Assam Down Town University,
Guwahati, India.
Standardessential patents (SEPs) are patents that are deemed
essential to a specific technology standard, such as those used
in wireless communication technologies. With the increased
use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in a
variety of applications, there is a greater demand for SEPs in
the field of AIbased apps. However, licencing SEPs can be a
complicated process, and there is no agreement on best
practises for SEP licencing in AIbased apps. The adoption of a
multifactor approach for determining FRAND royalty rates, the
use of ex ante licencing to prevent patent holdup, and the
establishment of specialized dispute resolution mechanisms for
SEP disputes are some of the proposed best practices for SEP
licencing in AIbased apps. As potential solutions to the
challenges associated with determining FRAND royalty rates in
AIbased apps, this study proposed alternative royalty
schemes, such as the use of a perunit royalty rate or a
revenuesharing scheme.
AIbased apps, best practices, business models, royalty rates, SEP
Standardessential patents (SEPs) are patents that cover technologies that are required to implement a technical
standard. Owners of SEPs are required to licence their patents to anyone who wishes to use the standard on Fair,
Reasonable, and NonDiscriminatory(FRAND) terms. SEP licencing entails determining licencing terms and
conditions for SEP use as well as negotiating with potential licensees.
J World Intellect Prop. 2023;
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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