
Junk Science Reporting?


"Too Much High Tide," in your Stateline column of the January 2002 magazine reported that "the Gulf of Mexico will continue to rise by more than 3 feet during the next century," is junk science reporting at its best. The scientific report cited is more an op-ed piece because it is not from a refereed journal--rather it is from the Web site of "concerned scientists" who present one-sided information heralded as the truth by the greens.

University scientists who have made life-long studies of climate have recently expressed to me that the human impact on climate change has been nebulous. My association with those scientists was during my graduate studies, which involved evaluating the advance and retreat of the last continental glacier on North America some 14,000 years ago. One thing scientists do know is that the earth's climate is in a constant state of flux and that...

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