
Only Cheating Yourself?

Hillary Caltagirone says "you have to do whatever you have to do to get ahead"--including cheating ("Truth or Consequences," 1/1/01. I understand that the world is competitive, but I like to think that people still have morals. How can you possibly be truly happy with yourself if what you achieve in life isn't even your own work?


It was a pleasure to visit your Web site, and I was enchanted by the topics for debate. Cheating indeed has become a menace, not only for the West, but also for the East.

AKSHAY Patna, Bihar, India

Considering that I have cheated in my past, I would never tell on someone who did ("Should You Turn in a Cheater?", Opinion, 1/1/01). There were two times I used to cheat: when I really needed to, or sometimes just to prove I could get away with it.

ZACH ARNETT Madisonville, Ky.

People who cheat have an unfair advantage. I agree with Jaclyn Gresko that cheaters hurt themselves, but I disagree with her notion that they only hurt themselves. What if the teacher is grading on a curve, one that is set by a cheater? Would you want to be operated on by a surgeon who cheated in order to become one? As for turning in a cheater who happens to be a friend, I believe that a true friend helps you to become better.

REG FIFE Yakima, Wash.

I really hate it when someone tells on me. The person who does cheat will get caught one day.

JOSH GREENE Morton's Gap, Ky.

If you want an unbiased debate, why compare the views of an 18-year-old and a 15-year-old?

CHAD LLOYD Redford, Mich.

Love, No Matter What

After reading Robin's letter ("What's Normal About Autism?", Voices, 1/1/01) I felt like I wasn't alone. I am 17, with a 9-year-old brother who also has autism. It was stunning the similarities between Robin's brother and mine. And there is not much literature on the siblings of autistic children.

KENYA SIMON Princeton Junction, N.J.

My little brother, too, has the disability. Christian may have his quirks, but he's my little brother, and no matter what...

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