
A Prayer Before Kickoff

I am Jewish, and as a kid growing up in a Protestant town in New England I was always picked on. Christianity has been forced down my throat every day of my life, from "Merry Christmas!" at the grocery store to Christmas carols in the school choir. Prayer in school ("The Pre-Game Prayer vs. the Law," 11/27/00) is the straw that broke the camel's back. It stands as a constant reminder that I am different, and that everyone else believes something else. It makes me feel violated and isolated, and I don't like it--and my government is helping me in this fight. Prayer in school violates people's rights. So please, don't pray on behalf of the public and end your statement with "in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord," because he isn't my lord.


Southbury, Conn.

There is no violation of the Constitution if you pray before a football game. If the government takes that away, they might as well take away the Bibles in our schools, too. I think this has been blown out of proportion and that they should lay off. If you don't want to hear the prayer, show up late at the game.


Colorado Springs, Colo.

The only way schools should be allowed to pray is in the locker room, not over the loudspeaker.


Farmington Hills, Mich.

I am not a football person, but I understand that you don't need the whole high school stadium to stand and say a prayer praising Jesus Christ. School-district spokeswoman Judy Turner Fox says, "We have no Jewish families, we have no Muslim, no Buddhist"--but how sure is Ms. Fox?

Religion is like a handful of M&Ms. They are all different colors, but once you eat the M&M, it's just chocolate. All religion has one focal point: to lead people to recognize a higher power, and help them develop into fine, smart, and caring people. Fighting anymore over religion in schools is a waste of time. In the words of Rodney King, can't we all just get along?


Pembroke Pines, Fla.

Micah White doesn't agree with our freedom of religion at...

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