
Pretty Wins, We Lose

Ever since people began forming civilizations, girls have been taught that they must be pretty to get a husband ("Cut to Fit," 2/14/00). And now, if you're a guy and you aren't buff, then according to society you aren't cute enough. Or if you have acne you're ugly. Society needs to look at what is inside and not focus so much on what is on the outside.


Your articles on teenage body image made excellent points. But I thought it more than a little ridiculous, after the enticing cover, to open the page to a sexy little milk ad--and remember folks, milk's supposed to do a body good--featuring the one and only Britney Spears, probably one of the worst role models for any young girl to have.

LEAH BURTON Gardnerville, Nev.

Blaming the Homeless

In response to the young man who favored a crackdown on the homeless because they could easily get a job if they wanted one ("Lessons from Liz," letter, 3/13/00): Do you think all of these people actually enjoy sleeping in the cold during the winter? Many of them would love to have jobs and homes and the simple things we all take for granted. Why not start programs to help them get back on their feet?

JOYHDAE ALBERT Greenfield, Mass.

Your article ("Liz's Story," 1/31/00) helps me understand our country better. We should appreciate what we have.


In 1935, Congress established the National Youth Administration to help homeless teens find work. Today, the public has shifted the blame for homelessness from society to the homeless themselves. The fact is, many homeless people work, but can only find minimum-wage jobs with few hours and no benefits. Because the cost of housing is so high, they have no money to get a decent place to sleep.

ELICIA CATES Madisonville, Ky.

Back Off the Boys

I was deeply offended by "The...

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