
Why Eyes Stay Shut

I still do not understand why some teens choose to smoke ("Eyes Wide Shut," 9/20/99). I believe tobacco should become an illegal drug regulated by the government. The tobacco industry can always find something new to do, farmers can plant something else, and the government could provide funding for those who need help.


Charlotte, N.C.

Teens who smoke know the risks of smoking. People are always throwing anti-smoking campaigns at them. I don't even know why there is an age limit on cigarettes. If teens want to smoke, they will find a way to--especially since many parents supply their underage children with cigarettes.


Dawson Springs, Ky.

I don't think peer pressure is as much of an issue as being rebellious. When parents tell kids they shouldn't smoke, the kids get an urge to smoke just because their parents said not to.


Janesville, Wis.

Note: The Smoking Survey on page 14 of our 9/20/99 issue has drawn hundreds of responses. We'll print the results in a future issue. Meanwhile, if you haven't sent in your survey form yet, it's not too late.

Dogs Made 'Em Say It

Your article ("Does Your Dog Really Love You?" 9/20/99) states that dogs are experts at manipulating human emotions. Dogs are pack animals. In the pack exists a hierarchy where there is an alpha male or female who is in the dominant position, and the others are submissive members. When we take dogs as our pets, we become the alpha, and the dogs are submissive to us. When a dog cringes when he soils the carpet and you yell at him, yes, he is trying to forestall aggression. That doesn't necessarily mean he is playing a game of trickery. He is simply the submissive figure. I have a Chihuahua. When my grandmother-in-law comes to our place, my Chihuahua immediately runs up to her and circles her and barks and yelps in happiness, and when she sits down, he sits next to her. It's not a matter of "If I run around her, she'll pet me," because she has never touched him.


Los Angeles, Calif

I do not like what you wrote! I have three dogs, and each one of them loves me unconditionally. I was very, very, very offended!


Clovis, Calif.

You say we attribute too many human characteristics to our dogs. I'm sorry, but saying that dogs are manipulative, scheming animals is also attributing human qualities to them. I believe that dogs just live simple lives, loving their masters and being obedient. Why would...

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