Letter from the Chair

Publication year2021
AuthorBy Sabrina L. Green
Letter From the Chair

By Sabrina L. Green

Sabrina L. Green is a managing partner of Stratton & Green, ALC and focuses on labor & employment, complex business litigation. Besides being the Chair of the California Lawyers Association Solo and Small Firm executive committee, member of the CLA Board of Representatives, she is the Attorney Coordinator for the Thomas Jefferson School of Law Employee Rights Public Clinic, member of the executive committee for the Thomas Jefferson Alumni Board of Directors, Vice President of Executive Women's Council and a member of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Business Association of Southern California, San Diego. Sabrina can be reached at sgreen@sglawcorp.com.

It is officially here, the end of my term as Chair for the Solo and Small Firm Section. To say my last two years as Chair were "unique" would not begin to cover it! What started out at the end of 2019 as a typical year quickly turned into a complete lockdown for my first term and a slow emergence into some sense of normality for my second term.

Through it all, I cannot express my gratitude and sure pride enough for my fellow executive committee members who not only persevered through these extraordinary circumstances but ensured that our section was publishing content, webinars and programming that served and supported our members. The SSF section also managed to publish its own book, Opening and Managing a Law Office: Go Solo, Win Clients, and Be Your Own Boss. Not only did our Excom members continue with their regular committee work, but many took on additional advocacy roles by joining CLA's Project 2021, the Racial Justice Committee and pro bono projects within their communities.

The world is a completely different place today then it was when I took on the SSF Chair's position. This is not due just to the Covid-19 pandemic which changed and actually rocketed us into the virtual future resulting in how we all work now. We had a reawakening of the reality that racial discrimination is very much alive and too well with the murders of Breonna Taylor George Floyd and Dante Wright which ignited the Black Lives Matter movement. We had a President impeached twice, a contentious election which resulted in a new President, the storming of the Capital building, the swearing in of a not only the first female Vice President, but one who was...

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