Let's talk about funding your business.

AuthorGriffin, Elle

IN MAY, we hosted a panel event called The Startup Summit. Founders and funders from Lendlo, Album VC, Chatbooks, Kickstart, Pattern, MX, and Malouf came together to talk about what it Is like to start, fund, and grow a business from scratch--then we met up in the basement of Lake Effect for an afterparty.

It was a huge success, and we met one of my personal goals for the year by getting together In-person (and experiencing all the magic that can come from that). As a result, we met a lot of new founders, learned about a lot of new startups, and heard some inside secrets from our state's most-notorious angel Investors and venture capital firms. (Stories on all of these things coming soon.)

So we're hosting another panel event in July, this one entirely...

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