Let's soak the rich.

AuthorAdams, Tucker Hart

IN OUR NEVER-ENDING SEARCH FOR SOMEONE to blame for the world's economic mess, the newest, target is the wealthy. If we just tax their "ill gotten" gains, deficits will disappear, jobs will be created and household incomes will rise. If only it were that simple.


No one is worth tens of millions of dollars annually to any organization. Not the best CEO or hedge fund manager. Not the best professional athlete. Not the most talented performer. Not even brilliant economists.

That said, punitive taxes on the rich aren't going to solve the deficit problem. They aren't going to put average household income on an upward trajectory. If they are set high enough, they might even have the opposite effect.

Is it true that a few of the very rich are gelling richer while the rest of us are getting poorer? Let's start out with a few facts. Over the last 20 years, per capita income in Colorado has more than doubled, from $19,377 in 1990 to $42,226 last year. Even after adjusting tor inflation, income has risen 24 percent. Most of that occurred in the go-go decade of the 1990s. It's fallen in nominal terms since 2008 and is up only 1.3 percent in inflation-adjusted terms since 2000.

Median household income (the level that half of the households are above and half below) has risen even faster. It peaked in 2008 at $44,164 and has declined 1.1 percent since then. But over any reasonable lime span we aren't setting poorer. It is a dangerous mistake to take a few years of data and project them far into the future.

But, you may argue, all of the gain is because the super rich got richer. Median pay of CEOs of large U.S. corporations rose 27 percent in 2010 to a median salary of $9 million (including bonuses), while pay increases for all workers in private industry averaged only 2.1 percent. Let's tax it all away and gel rid of the deficit problem.

But wait. Although it is true that the top 1 percent earned 18.3 percent of national income last year, they paid 32 percent of all income taxes. The top 10 percent paid about 70 percent of the total. The bottom half paid only 2.7 percent. If we imposed a 100 percent tax rate on the top 10 percent. it would raise about SI trillion. We can't gel there by...

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