Let Louisiana's Bastards Beat the Clock: It's Time to Amend Article 197

AuthorEmily M. Gauthier
PositionJ.D./D.C.L., 2020, Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Louisiana State University
Louisiana Law Review Louisiana Law Review
Volume 80
Number 4
Summer 2020
Article 10
Let Louisiana’s Bastards Beat the Clock: It’s Time to Amend Let Louisiana’s Bastards Beat the Clock: It’s Time to Amend
Article 197 Article 197
Emily M. Gauthier
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Emily M. Gauthier,
Let Louisiana’s Bastards Beat the Clock: It’s Time to Amend Article 197
, 80 La. L. Rev.
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Let Louisiana’s Bastards Beat the Clock: It’s Time to
Amend Article 197
Emily M. Gauthier*
Introduction: A Bastard’s Tale................................................... 1438
I. Laying the Groundwork: Louisiana’s Laws of
Filiation, Retroactivity, and Peremption .................................... 1442
A. Establishing the Paternal Link for Inheritance .................... 1442
1. The Legal Relationship Between
Father and Child............................................................ 1443
2. Forging a Path to Inheritance Through Filiation........... 1445
3. A Change in the Law of Filiation:
Article 197 Replaces 209 .............................................. 1447
B. A Matter of Time: The Complexities of
Louisiana’s Law of Retroactivity ........................................ 1448
1. Legislative Origins of Retroactivity.............................. 1449
2. Louisiana Courts and the Quest to
Define Retroactivity...................................................... 1450
3. Louisiana’s Vested Rights Retroactivity
Analysis: Discerning Legislative Intent and
the Classification Schema ............................................. 1455
C. Extinguished Rights: Louisiana’s Doctrine
of Peremption....................................................................... 1459
1. Separating Prescription from Peremption ..................... 1459
2. Chance v. American Honda Motor Co.:
Retroactivity and Prescription Collide .......................... 1462
3. Causae Finitae: The Civilian Approach
to Extinguished Claims ................................................. 1465
Copyright 2020, by EMILY M. GAUTHIER.
* J.D./D.C.L., 2020, Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Louisiana State University.
This Comment is dedicated to my family, especially my husband, Kevin Malone.
Without their support, I would not be where I am today. Special thanks to Professor
Lonegrass for introducing me to this topic, guiding me through a complex body of
law, and providing thoughtful feedback throughout the writing process. Thank you
to Professor Trahan for his advice on the retroactivity issues and for providing
translations of relevant French doctrine. Lastly, thank you to the Louisiana Law
Review Volume 79 and Volume 80 Editorial Boards for their tireless work and
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4. Constitutional Due Process: The American
Approach to Extinguished Claims................................. 1467
II. The Circuit Split: Competing Interpretations of
Louisiana’s Law of Retroactivity............................................... 1470
A. Majority Approach: You’re Too Late, Kid! ........................ 1471
B. The Fifth Circuit Enters the Fray......................................... 1476
C. Retroactive by Association Approach ................................. 1478
III. Time to Amend Article 197 ....................................................... 1482
A. Proposal to Amend Article 197 ........................................... 1483
B. Ameliorating Retroactivity Concerns .................................. 1486
C. Causae Finitae Is Not a Barrier........................................... 1488
At the Crossroads of Retroactivity and Peremption ................... 1489
In 1986, Karla Coleman was born to an unmarried Louisiana couple.1
Karla’s father, Louis Hebert, also had a two-year-old son, Louis Jr., from
a previous marriage.2 Although both of Karla’s biological parents raised
her, Karla’s parents remained unmarried.3 During his lifetime, Louis never
legally established that he was Karla’s father.4 When Louis died in
December of 2005, he did not leave a will.5 Louisiana law provided that
1. Karla Coleman’s story is loosely derived from the facts of Succ ession of
Hebert. In the case, Karla turned 19 a few months before her father died. That
same year, she filed paternity test results with the trial court. Years later, she
completed the requisite filiation action, attempting to prove her legal relationship
to her father. Due to the delay, Karla’s action was time-barred under both
Louisiana Civil Code articles 209 and 197. See In re Succession of Hebert, 153
So. 3d 1101, 110205 (La. Ct. App. 3d Cir. 2014); see also LA. CIV. CODE art.
197 (2018); LA. CIV. CODE art. 209(C) (2005).
2. See generally Hebert, 153 So. 3d at 110203.
3. See generally id.
4. See generally id.
5. See generally id. In Louisiana, a “succession” is “the transmission of the
estate of the deceased to his successors.” LA. CIV. CODE art. 871 (2018). Louisiana
recognizes two types of succession: “testate” and “intestate.” Id. art. 873. When
the decedent leaves a valid will, the succession is a “testate” succession. Id. art.
874. In the absence of a valid will, or in an “intestate” succession , the decedent’s

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