Legal Industry on the Precipice of Profound Change

AuthorJohn P. Box Jr.
Legal Industry
onthe Precipice
ofProfound Change
Congratulations! If you have read this far, you now know the seven core
principles of the Millennial mindset. You care deeply about the future of
the legal profession and the ways in which your firm can attract, moti-
vate, and retain a generation of talented young attorneys.
As you read through Part II of this book, I hope the research and
insights made you think and ponder your firm’s path forward. The ques-
tion for you now is: to what extent can your firm incorporate elements
of the Millennial mindset into its culture? To recap, the core Millennial
workplace values include:
The ability to blend work and life together (Chapter 2)
The allure of flat hierarchies (Chapter 3)
The desire to make immediate contributions (Chapter 4)
The critical role of mentorship (Chapter 5)
The value and importance of collaboration (Chapter 6)
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