Learning to cope over the holidays.


While many of us know a superwoman who seems effortlessly to juggle holiday obligations, this may only be a facade, according to Laurie Mintz, associate professor of educational and counseling psychology, University of Missouri-Columbia. The "happy face" that many wear to mask their tension often increases stress for others, by perpetuating the myth that the holidays are a worry-free time. Mintz offer tips to help women strike a healthy balance during this season:

* Determine what your expectations are for the holidays and whether they should be lowered. "Do you have to create a delicious meal and serve it with a warm glow of holiday cheer? Or, at the other extreme, would you be satisfied if no one gets food poisoning, and you are able to finish the meal without a fight?"

* Anticipate what aspects will cause you stress and prepare yourself mentally. You may even...

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