Learning From Disasters: Twenty-One Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Will Reactions to the Deepwater Horizon Blowout Finally Address the Systemic Flaws Revealed in Alaska?

Date01 November 2010
11-2010 NEWS & ANALYSIS 40 ELR 11041
Twenty-one years a go, after the calamitous Exxon
Valdez oil spill (EVOS) in Alaska’s Prince William
Sound, the pervasive systemic aws—that, according
to the State of Alaska Oil Spill Commission, had made a
major calamity not just possible but probable1—were largely
cloaked behind the gure of a captain with a drink ing prob-
lem. is time around, after suering a nother horric oil
incident—this one a lmost 20 times larger than the Exxon
Valdez spill2—t he question for national energy law and policy
is whether, this time around, we’ll acknowledge and imple-
ment the hard systemic lessons largely avoided two dec ades
ago. e Deepwater Horizon tragedy will be a doubly disas-
trous occasion if it does not produce systemic changes for the
future, as the Exxon Valdez markedly failed to do. As W hite
House Chief of Sta Rahm Emanuel said in another context,
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”3
1. See State of Alaska Oil Spill Commission’s Reports and Appendices, February
1990, available at www.arlis.org/vol2/a/EVOS_FAQs.pdf [hereinafter EVOS
Commission Report].
2. e Exxon Valdez spill is generally reported as releasing approximately 250,000
barrels, or 11,000,000 gallons, of crude oil. e April 2010, Deepwater Hori-
zon blowout spill now appears to have released roughly ve million barrels, at
a rate varying between 50-60,000 barrels per day from April 20 until a top cap
was applied on July 15, 2010.
3. See Gerald F. Seib, In Crisis, Opportunity for Obama, W S. J.,
Nov. 21, 2008, available at http://online.wsj.com/article/NA_WSJ_
e Barack Obama Administration’s Gulf of Mex ico BP
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Oshore Drilling Com-
mission, like the Alaska Commission to set up after the
Exxon Valdez spill, will try to harvest conclusions about cau-
sation—“why did this calamity happen?”—and about neces-
sary funda mental changes in how we manage the extraction
and transport of oil for the future. Poised against this cor-
rective agenda is t he natu ral tendency of the industry and
the communities that depend economically upon it to avert
systemic changes that potentially will constrain ongoing eco-
nomic activities. As in Alaska, within days of the Gulf of
Mexico blowout, the industry and its supporters commenced
defensive political and media initiatives to dilute public per-
ceptions and impacts of the event.4 Meanwhile, legions of
attorneys have been crowding into court s and agencies sta k-
ing claims for billions of dollars in compensation and repara-
tions, just as lawyers jammed ights into Alask a in 1989.
In both their similarities and dierences, the Deepwa-
ter Horizon blowout spill a nd the Exxon Valdez experience
are instructive. Many of the simila rities are frustrating to
longtime observers. Some of t he dierences are immensely
heartening —in some but not all of the Obama Administra-
tion’s words and actions, in potential corrective congressio-
nal legislation, and in belated proposa ls for wide adoption
of a 1990 Alask a Commission recommendation for citizen
watchdog councils.
PUB:SB122721278056345271.html. Given the onrolling current event un-
derlying this present analysis, many citations herein are given to press accounts,
meanwhile noting that, over time, the factual record will be substantially deep-
ened by historical vetting. See, e.g., P L, I D W (2010).
4. Given the current political landscape, it may well also suit the Administration’s
best interests in public polling to move public attention on to other issues. See
Michael J. Evans, Oil Spill Pictures and the Media Blackout, BP O N, June
9, 2010, http://bpoilnews.com/oil-spill-pictures/oil-spill-pictures-bp-coverup-
rst-amendment/ (last visited Sept. 22, 2010). (“British Petroleum has thrown
a media blackout over the Gulf Coast, with the apparent complicity of some in
our federal and local governments.”)
Learning From Disasters: Twenty-
One Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil
Spill, Will Reactions to the Deepwater
Horizon Blowout Finally Address the
Systemic Flaws Revealed in Alaska?
by Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Zygmunt J.B. Plater is Professor of Law, Boston College Law School.
Author’s Note: e author chaired the State of Alaska Oil Commission’s legal
task force after the 1989 wreck of the M.S. Exxon Valdez. e Commission’s
extensive reports and Appendices, issued in February 1990, are available
online on the Alaska Resource Library and Information Service’s website,
www.arlis.org/vol2/a/EVOS_FAQs.pdf. e last-minute preparation of this
analysis beneted from the help, gratefully acknowledged, of two research
assistants, Brendan Boyle and Joseph Horton, both of the Boston College
Law School Class of 2012. e views expressed here, other than those cited
to the Commission and other sources, are the author’s own and not those of
the Commission nor of my research assistants.
Copyright © 2010 Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, DC. reprinted with permission from ELR®, http://www.eli.org, 1-800-433-5120.

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