Leading indicators of systemic banking crises: Finland in a panel of EU countries

AuthorPatrizio Lainà,Juho Nyholm,Peter Sarlin
Published date01 January 2015
Date01 January 2015
Leading indicators of systemic banking crises: Finland in a panel of
EU countries
Patrizio Lainà
, Peter Sarlin
Departmentof Political and EconomicStudies, University of Helsinki,Finland
Centerof Excellence SAFE at Goethe UniversityFrankfurt, Germany
Departmentof Economics, HankenSchool of Economics, Helsinki,Finland
RiskLabFinland at Arcada Universityof Applied Sciences, Helsinki,Finland
abstractarticle info
Received 2 June 2014
Receivedin revised form 21 November2014
Accepted19 December 2014
Availableonline 5 January 2015
JEL classication:
Leading indic ators
Logit analysis
This paper investigates leading indicators of systemic banking crises in a panel of 11 EU countries, with a particular
focus on Finland. We use quarterlydata from 1980Q1 to 2013Q2, in order to create a large number of macro-
nancial indicators, as well as theirvarious transformations. We make use of univariate signal extractionand
multivariate logitanalysis to assess what factors lead the occurrence of a cri sis and with what horizon the indicators
lead a crisis. We ndthat loans-to-deposits and house price growth are the best leading indicators. Growth rates and
trend deviations of loan stock variables also yield useful signals of impending crises. While the optimal lead horizon
is three years, indicators generally perform well with lead times ranging from one to four years. We also tap into
unique long time-series of the Finnish economy to perform historical explorations into macro-nancial
© 2014 ElsevierInc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
This paper investigates macro-nancial factors as leadingindicators
of systemic banking crisesin Europe, and particularly reects over the
case of the Finnisheconomy. Our denitionof a systemicbanking crisis
implies simultaneous failures in the banking sector that signicantly
impairs the capital of the banki ng system as a whole, which mostly
results in large economic effects an d government intervention. The
investigated questions in this pa per relate to what factors lead the
occurrence of a crisis and with what horizon the indicators lead a crisis.
The implementation of macroprudentialpolicies, particularlywhen
being of discretionary nature, may exhibit ch allenges in tackling the
vulnerability of the nancialsystem to procyclicality.To this end, recent
legislative initiatives providea basis for the use of policy instruments.
Basel III, the EU's legislative acts CRD and CRR IV and the Finnish
Ministry of Finance (2012) all propose the implementation of macro-
prudential tools at the national level. These tools are designed for curbing
booms in household, especially real estate, sectors through controlling the
growth rate of private loan stocks. They are also meant to strengthenthe
banking sector by enhancing its loss absorbing capacity and by reducing
default probabilities and losses given default. Other tools such as counter-
cyclical capitalbuffers are intended for restraining booms in the wider
economy. Although some discretion and judgment will inevitably be
required, tying macroprudential instrument triggering to risk indicators
via simple rules aids in overcomingresistance to countercyclical measures
during booms (e.g., Agur & Sharma, 2013). Thus, before couplingrisk
indicators with precise policy instruments, an essential question is to
investigate how and provid e means for assessing whether ris ks are
concentrated in a particular sector or whether they extend to a
number of sectors.This paper studies indicatorsfor rule-based guiding
Reviewof Financial Economics 24 (2015)1835
Thispaper comes with a supplementaryinteractivedashboard: http://vis.risklab./#/
Laina. The paper has received useful commments duringpresentations and discussions
from members of the Financial Stabi lity and Statistics Department and the Monetary
Policy and ResearchDepartment at the Bank of Finland, particularlyEsa Jokivuolle, Simo
Kalatie, Karlo Kauko, T apio Korhonen, Kimmo Kosk inen, Helinä Laakkonen, P eter
Palmroos, Hanna Putkuri , Katja Taipalus, Jouni Timon en, Mervi Toivanen, Jukka
Vauhkonen,Jouko Vilmunen andMatti Virén, as well as threeanonymous referees.
Correspondingauthorat: Goethe University,SAFE, Grüneburgplatz1, 60323 Frankfurt
am Main, Germany.
E-mailaddress: peter@risklab.(P.Sarlin).
Contents listsavailable at ScienceDirect
Review of Financial Economics
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/rfe
1058-3300/©2014 Elsevier Inc. All rightsreserved.
of the activation of countercycli cal capital buffers, loan-to-v alue
caps and risk weights, rather than overall discretion and judgment in
decisions orthe effects of these macroprudentialtools.
Macroprudential instruments have an ultimate aim of preventing and
mitigating the occurrence of nancial crises. Yet, one key problem is that
the implementation takes time. To launch the tools, policymakers need
to be aware of risks and vulnerabilities building up at an early stage
(e.g., CRD IV species a 12-month implementation period). By focusing
on identifying underlying vulnerabilities and risks, this paper investigates
indicatorsthat function as early enough signalsof an impending crisis.
Another problem is that the implementation of these tools is costly,
whereas implementation is sensibleonly if it will prevent a crisis. This
motivatesfurther research on leadingindicators of nancial crises,and
their specicspecication,including transformations and timehorizon,
as well as a balance between false alarms and missed crises. Eventually,
one should still note that analytical tools for early identication of risks
provide only guiding support, whereas direct early-warning signals are
an output of internal investigations and thorough scrutiny.
The previous literature has consistently foundexcessive growth in
credit aggregates and asset prices to lead bankingcrises. For instance,
the signal extraction approach is u sed by Kaminsky and Reinhart
(1999) to study the connection between nancial and currencycrises
and by Alessi and Detken (2011) to investig ate predictors of asset
price booms with costly real economy consequences. Likewise, Borio
and Lowe (2002) havefound unusually rapid expansions in creditand
asset prices,particularly deviationfrom their long-termtrend, as useful
leading indicators of wide-s pread nancial distress. Despite a large
number of studies on crisis determinants, only a few of th em have a
pure focus on European economies. Accordingly, the traditionall iterature
focuses on leading indicators in emerging markets (e.g., Frankel & Rose,
1996; Kaminsky, Lizondo, & Reinhart, 1998) or both developed and
developing economies (e.g., Demirgüç-Kunt & Detragiache, 1998).
While some studiesonly include Europe as an aggregate (e.g.,Lo Duca
& Peltonen, 2013; Sarlin & Peltonen, 2013), those that include individual
European countries also include economiesfrom other continents. For in-
stance, Reinhart and Rogoff(2009),Alessi and Detken(2011),Babecký
et al. (2013) and Boissay, Collard, and Smets (2013) all focus on devel-
oped, mainly OECD, economies. Those studies thatfocus on distress in
Europe have a different scope and aim. For instance, Betz, Oprică,
Peltonen, and Peter (2014) and Männasoo and Mayes (2009) include
country-level indicators, but aim at predicting distress at the level of
banks in most European and Eastern European transition countries,
respectively, whereas Behn, Detken, Peltonen, and Schudel (2013)
perform an exercise similar to building an early-warning model, but use
it for setting countercyclical capital buffers. Accordingly, Behn et al.
(2013) focus mainly on the role of credit variables. Further, diverting
from assessing core Europe, they also include Central and Eastern
European transition or developing economies.
This paper assessesleading indicators of systemic banking crises in
Europe, with a particular focus on the Finnisheconomy. To enable and
support the analysis of Finland, we collect data on el even developed
European economies. Hence, rath er than taking a pan-European or
single-country perspective , we aim at collecting data on a possibly
homogeneousset of economies.While the sample economiesare partly
chosen based upon data availability, we deliberately exclude transition
economies,for which the trajectory of nancialdevelopment has been
of different nature compared to the rest of Eu rope. The considered
macro-nancial indicators cover a range of asset, credit an d macro
variables,following the previousliterature. For developedEU countries,
this enables us to studynot only patterns of pre-crisis, crisis and post-
crisis dynamics, but also to perform a structured analysis and ranking
of leading indicators of systemic banking crises and their optimal
signaling horizons . Beyond this, we also test the impac t of a number
of model specications o n early-warning performance.
This paper contributes to the literature on banking crisis determinants
as follows. We nd strongest evidence on loans-to-deposit and house
price growth as leading indicators of systemic banking crises. Loan stock
variables mortgages,householdloansandprivateloansalso perform
well as leading indicators. The indicators show best performance with a
lead time of three years,but generally perform well with up to a four-
year lead time. This provides input to policymakers in control of
macroprudential tools, as indicators with a three-year lead time are
early enough to support macroprudential tools with long activation
times. Further, we also tap intounique long time-series of the Finnish
economy to perform historical explorations into macro-nancial vulnera-
bilities. Beyond thecurrent global nancial crisis, Finlandexperienced
three crises at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as a severe bank-
ing crisis in the 1990s, which was impacted by both a currency crisis and
the collapseof the Soviet Union. Using the estimateson panel data, we
correctlycall most of the Finnish crises since the beginning of the 20th
century. This paper also contributes to the technical derivation of early-
warning indicators and models. When assessing different model speci-
cations, we nd that differences between absolute and relative trend
deviations are only minor and that growth rates tend to be the most
prominent transformation. If trend deviations of ratios are used, we
propose to detrend GDP as a denominatorto support persistence with
respect to short-term variation in the real economy. Further,w e propose
the use of cumulative estimated probabilities of logit analysis over
the entire historical forecast horizon, in addition to only assessing
non-cumulative pr obabilities.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a revie w of
indicators and method used in the literature, and presents those
used in this paper. Section 3 presents descriptive statistics through
measures of pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis dynamics. In Section 4,
we present the signal extraction results and discuss the usefulness
of each indicator, whereafter we turn to an assessment of the indicators
by means of multivariate logit analysis. Before concluding, Section 5
presents long time series for the Finnish economy in light of our previous
ndings. In addition, the indicators analyzed in this paper have been
included in a supplementary interactive dashboard: http://risklab./
2. Data and methods
This sectionbriey reviewsprevious works on early warningindica-
tors and models, particularly with respect to useddata and estimation
methods. Next, we turn to a discussion of the col lected data for this
study and the methods that we use in this pa per to assess leading
2.1. A review of indicators and methods
As abovenoted, a large number of studieshave assessed leadingand
early-warningindicators of bankingand nancial crises overall.Herein,
we briey review previous works on earl y warning indicators and
models, in order to supportthe subsequent choice of data and estima-
tion methods. We have reviewed a large number of recent works on
early-warningindicatorsand models, andassessed successfulindicators
in termsof broad categoriesof indicators.For instance, creditaggregates
include mortgages, household loans, corporate loans and total loa ns,
among others,whereas asset pricesinclude equityindices, house prices
and other property prices, as wellas their various transformations.
Table 1 shows the performance (or signicance) of proposed
indicators in terms of broad indicator categories. It highlights the
signicance of indicators rel ated to credit aggregates a nd asset prices,
but also the lack of a directconsensus in the used indicators and their
performance. This might be a consequence of variations in the analyzed
economies, types of crises and time spans. Thus, it highlights the impor-
tanceof a study focusing on a homogeneous set of economies, on a
specic type of crisis and on the rec ent experience of turmoil.
Startingfrom credit variables,Table 1 shows thatcredit-related indi-
catorshave been included in allstudies and most have alsofound one or
19P. Lainàet al./ Reviewof Financial Economics24 (2015) 1835

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