Fourteen lawmakers and legislative staff called into military service received NCSL's Medal of Civic Honor at the Strong States, Strong Nation Annual Meeting in Seattle in August.

PositionNational Conference of State Legislatures - Brief Article

Fourteen lawmakers and legislative staff called into military service received NCSL's Medal of Civic Honor at the Strong States, Strong Nation Annual Meeting in Seattle in August. "We pay tribute to men and women whose service strengthens our nation twice," said former NCSL President John Hurson. "These lawmakers/soldiers craft innovative policies in state legislatures, and also defend our freedom overseas. For their statesmanship and their bravery, we are deeply grateful." Indiana Representative and Marine Corps Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Scott Reske accepted the award on behalf of recipients who could not attend the ceremony. The recipients are: Arizona Representative Jonathan L. Paton, 2nd lieutenant in the Army Reserve; California Assemblyman and Army Reserve Colonel Thomas J. Umberg; Charles Larson Jr., Iowa senator and Army Reserve major; Maryland House Majority Whip and Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Anthony G. Brown; Representative...

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