Latino Youth Appear to Be Affected Most.


Racial and ethnic discrimination is problematic for all aspects of development--from mental and physical health to risky behaviors and academic success--particularly for Latinos, researchers at the University of Texas, Austin, determined after analyzing findings from previous studies on adolescents.

The study, published in American Psychologist, considered 214 previous studies comprising 91,338 adolescents and measured 11 distinct indicators of well-being. "Essentially, we are combining all the existing evidence to be able to clearly state that racial and ethnic discrimination influence all aspects of adolescents' daily lives and well-being," says lead author Aprile D. Benner, associate professor of human development and family sciences and faculty research associate in the Population Research Center.

Understanding racial and ethnic differences begins quite early in life, the researchers explain. Studies have shown that, before age five, children begin grouping themselves by race or ethnic background, and awareness of stereotypes tied to skin color or ethnicity emerges in middle childhood. By age 10, many children can recognize both overt and covert discrimination.

Experiencing such discrimination is linked consistently to poorer mental health, lower academic achievement, and more engagement in risky or negative behavior, the...

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