Langdon, John (1741–1819)

AuthorDennis J. Mahoney

Page 1561

John Langdon, a financier and businessman who risked his large personal fortune in support of the Revolution, had, by 1787, already served in the Continental Congress and as a colonel in the Revolutionary War; he had also supervised shipbuilding for the navy and had been president of New Hampshire.

As chairman of New Hampshire's delegation to the CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1787, Langdon personally paid the delegation's expenses. He spoke often at the Convention and served on three committees. He favored such nationalist measures as a congressional veto over state legislation and a prohibition of state taxes on exports. He advocated prohibiting Congress, as well as the states, from emitting BILLS OF CREDIT.

After signing the Constitution, Langdon returned home to become leader of the proratification forces in the state convention. He was elected to the United States Senate and became its first president pro tempore; and he served seven more years as...

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