Knee flare-ups can be controlled.

PositionJoints - Brief Article

If you have increasing difficulty going up and down stairs, you are not alone. Knee pain is common with age. Many times it can be handled with treatments other than surgery. Knee discomfort can come from injuries or strains that cause irregularities on the joint surface. Over time, this wear and tear--as well as misalignment--causes osteoarthritis. Being overweight and a lack of regular exercise increase the risk as well.

Mayo Clinic Health Letter outlines a number of conservative approaches that may help. For pain flare-ups, start with the basics of PRICE:

* Protect from further injury. A knee sleeve or elastic wrap may be helpful.

* Rest your knee by avoiding activities that may cause pain or discomfort.

* Ice the knee for about 15 minutes every few hours in the first couple of days.

* Compress the area with an elastic bandage to help reduce swelling.

* Elevate the knee above the heart, especially at night.

Other remedies include:


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