Kindergarten transition made easier.

PositionYouth Development - Tips from Kansas State University assistant professor of elementary education Lori Norton-Meier

Learning to walk and how to dress one's self are big steps for a youngster, but entering kindergarten is one of the most pivotal times in a young child's life. Kansas State University assistant professor of elementary education Lori Norton-Meier gives tips on how children, and their parents, can make the move to kindergarten a breeze.

Going to kindergarten is a big transition for kids because it is the start of a new experience in a new environment, she explains. "There is usually more focus on academics and more expectations upon entering kindergarten. Whether children were cared for at home or at day care, they have to adjust to a new way of doing things and different classroom structures, such as larger classes."

Youngsters may be anxious about entering kindergarten because they do not know what to expect. "They have been told about kindergarten and may feel some of their parents' tension and may be fearful of the unknown," Norton-Meier indicates. Other concerns for students may be finding the bathrooms and where they will eat lunch, and wondering when they are going to learn how to read.

Norton-Meier also points out that kindergarten is a big transition for parents. It's a time when parents realize how quickly their child is growing up and gaining more and more independence--and may bring up memories, both positive and negative, of when they were in school. "Parents know that kindergarten is the start of a journey for both their children and themselves and they just hope their child will adjust well and have a good experience in school."

Although most children will enjoy school, others may not. "If your child begins acting differently and you notice changes in their behavior, this may be a sign of stress or unhappiness," Norton-Meier says. "It is important to dig beyond the surface and find out what is...

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