Keeping New Year's Diet Resolutions.

A national survey by the American Dietetic Association showed that 40% of Americans select some form of diet as a New Year's resolution. If not done properly, the diet can turn into a fiasco, cautions Marjorie Sawicki, assistant professor of nutrition and dietetics, Saint Louis (Mo.) University School of Allied Health Professions. "Every person on a diet should develop a personal plan that is evaluated every week. Dieters should set a realistic long-term goal and then choose weekly mini-goals for behavior change. I suggest keeping a daily diary of foods and beverages consumed and compare the list to the Food Guide Pyramid." She offers the following to help in the weight-loss process:

* Do not skip breakfast. If need be, have a bagel, piece of toast, or dry cereal if you are in a hurry.

* Carry your lunch to avoid eating at fast-food restaurants. Avoid selecting a vending machine lunch. Keep a supply of instant soup, water-packed tuna, and fruit at your office.

* Get outside for a brisk walk during lunch or on the way into work. Park farther away from your job site to increase exercise.

* Try new low-fat recipes...

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