Kalatattvakosa: A Lexicon of Fundamental Concepts of the Indian Arts, vol. 3: Primal Elements-Mahabhuta.


Kal[bar{a}]tattvako[acute{s}]a: A Lexicon of Fundamental Concepts of the Indian Arts, vol. 3: Primal Elements-Mah[bar{a}]bh[bar{u}]ta. Edited by BETTINA B[ddot{A}]UMER. New Delhi: INDIRA GHANOI NATIONAL CENTRE FOR THE ARTS; Delhi: MOTILAL BANARSIDASS, 1996. Pp. xxxvii + 446. Rs. 450.

Volume three of this most welcome ko[acute{s}]a has now come to the Journal. (See Lewis Rowell's review-article of the initial volume, JAOS 112 [1992]: 110-15.) By "primal elements" are meant prakrti, (mah[bar{a}])bh[bar{u}]ta, [bar{a}]k[bar{a}][acute{s}]a, v[bar{a}]yu, agni, jyotis (tejas, prak[bar{a}][acute{s}]a) ap, and prthiv[bar{i}] (bh[bar{u}]mi). As...

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