Just How Toxic Is Gasoline?

PositionAUTOMOTIVE FUEL - Brief article

The fuel we use in our vehicles may be killing us--that is the conclusion of a report calling emissions from consumer gasoline one of the biggest health threats facing the American public. The report, produced by the Clean Fuels Development Coalition and Urban Air Initiative, links a wide range of respiratory and even neurological diseases to toxic carcinogenic compounds refiners use to increase octane in gasoline.

The report warns that, in replacing lead in gasoline, refiners have added other toxic compounds. These have been linked to health issues such as cardiopulmonary disease, lung cancer, breast cancer, asthma, low birth weights, and autism.

"Light duty vehicle exhaust emissions are the predominant source of hazardous air pollutants that represent an exposure risk to urban residents and anyone living near a major roadway," says David VanderGriend, president of Urban Air Initiative. 'These lethal pollutants can be directly traced to the 25-30% of gasoline additives that petroleum refiners use...

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