Judges Can Read: Argue Without Your Notes!

AuthorMark A. Drummond
Published in Litigation News Volume 47, Number 3, Spring 2022. © 2022 b y the American Bar Ass ociation. Reproduc ed with permission. A ll rights reserv ed. This information or an y portion there of may not be copied or dis seminated in any
form or by any means or sto red in an electronic da tabase or retrieval sy stem without the ex press writt en consent of the Amer ican Bar Associatio n.
By Hon. Mark A . Drummond (Ret.), Litigation News A ssociate Editor
hen you ask someone out for a date, do
you use notes? When someone criticizes
you, do you ask for time to jot a few things
down before responding? Of course you
don’t. I realize cases are more complex, but
great advocates can argue without every word being read off
a legal pad.
A recent article about Damian Williams, U.S. Attorney
for the Southern District of New York, sparked the idea for
this column. The author outlined Mr. Williams’s skill in the
courtroom and noted that he “became known as one of the
few prosecutors [in his ofce] who appeared before juries
Judges Can Read: Argue Without
Your Notes!
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without notes.” The article detailed Mr. Williams’s delivery
of an opening statement “detailing the story of a powerful
politician who had become blinded by greed.” The author
observed, “Mr. Williams’s statement would run 22 pages in
the ofcial transcript. He used no notes.
During the pandemic, I coached over 100 attorneys
through NITA. Remote advocacy has spawned more rote
reading. The notes are read directly off the screen. Even
worse are multiple monitors. With the side monitor, I get the
“mugshot” view, when down below I get the “drone” view,
and when above (the worst) I get the “up the nostrils” view.
This is not good for you or the judge. The judge is not the

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