Monthly Journalism Award: Donald L. Bartlett and James B. Steele: "Who Left the Door Open?" Time Sept. 20, 2004.

PositionThe Washington Monthly's - Brief Article

Bartlett and Steele, perhaps the pre-eminent team of investigative journalists working today, have produced a stunning, comprehensive account of the federal government's failures to secure our border with Mexico since September 11. The reassignment of Border Patrolmen has mean that the number of immigrants creeping across the Rio Grande has town each year since 2001. This year, more than 3 million illegals will cross, including roughly 60,000 from places other than Mexico; federal agents have picked up border-crossers who hail from Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq. Bartlett and Steele are particularly devastating detailing the ways in which immigrants overwhelm border towns, and the deceitful policy dance Washington plays:" Mexico sends its poor north to take jobs illegally, and the U.S. arrests enough of the border crossers to create the illusion that it is enforcing the immigration laws while allowing...

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