Jack and Carmen Barker/founders and owners innovative water technologies, Rocky Ford/Dumont.

AuthorPeterson, Eric

Through their Dumont-based water and wastewater services firm, AAA Operations, the Barkers distributed the General Electric Homespring water filtration system. Impressed, Jack asked, "Wouldn't it be neat if we could get this technology to the people who need it the most?"


The pair spent most of 2007 developing the Sunspring, which Jack describes as "a portable, self-contained solar-powered, microbiological water purifier." Word got out, and the Barkers were alerted to an orphanage in India in need of clean drinking water. They decided to install a Sunspring on their own dime. Subsequently, more than 70 Sunspring units have been shipped from the Innovative Water Technologies factory in Rocky Ford to Haiti, Mexico, the Democratic Republic of Congo and other locations.

Under optimal conditions, one $25,000 Sunspring can purify 5,000 gallons of water daily for 10 years. The Barkers see it as a natural fit for not only the developing world, but national and state parks and the military. To support...

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