It Takes a Village.

AuthorRoche, Erin

When it comes to raisins. children, lew would question the adage "'it takes a village." And I would argue that this concept applies in equal measure to running an accounting firm or department.

I came to the realization early in my career that going it alone in accounting is quite possibly the shortest path to professional burnout. I was ready to give up after just one year of reinventing every wheel imaginable. Before I threw in the towel, I made a discovery that completely changed where my business was going: I didn't have to do it alone!

The list of ways my professional network has helped develop how I run my practice, how I lead my team and how I participate in the profession is beyond full explanation. The most expansive benefit has simply been my shift in perspective. Observing the breadth of possibility in every facet of the profession has inspired new processes for my practice that would never have been on my radar. Exchanging ideas with like-minded professionals helped me evaluate whether my approach to a task was the best course or if others had procedures I could incorporate for a better result. Hearing about new technologies and resources from those who use them daily--and not just the salespeople (who don't always have a lot of accounting experience)--has saved me countless hours of vetting. I've also been connected to opportunities that I would never have known existed, such as speaking last fall for the Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants! My particular experience started once I had reached the partner level in a firm, but the benefits of a professional network are not limited to those at the senior levels in public practice. Business and industry professionals can realize the same benefits from connections to their peers. Team members who are still developing their career path can also gain inspiration from professional connections. Encouraging those who are still developing to get out there and bring back ideas is a great way to get them in the entrepreneurial mindset and show that their input is valued. Not to mention a change of pace can help re-energize team members--results may be harder to measure than billable hours, but they have the potential for a much longer-term impact.

Developing a network is easier than expected. GalCPA chapters offer opportunities to connect throughout the state and in various settings. While many of us are taking full advantage of the benefits offered by virtual CPE, attending an event...

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