It's the Heat and the Humidity.

PositionSurvey indicates that more people object to humidity than heat in the summer; and that many people work more slowly in hot weather; these and other survey results are discussed - Brief Article

The Weather Channel's 19 Heat and Humidity Mood Survey discovered that:

* When people were asked whether heat or humidity is the worst part of the summer, 66% of adults mentioned humidity and 18% heat.

* Forty-three percent indicated that the summer heat or humidity has had a negative effect on their mood and temperament.

* The most frequent expressions used to describe the effects of heat and humidity were: lazy and tired (49%), slow or unproductive (46%), sick or uncomfortable (29%), and irritable or angry (26%). Positive reactions came in at lower levels: happy (21%) and energetic (15%).

* Forty-five percent said they work more slowly and 20% indicated that they don't want to work at all. Just four percent said they work faster.

* The heat and humidity have a lesser effect on romantic...

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