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Published date01 May 2018
Date01 May 2018
VOLUME 8, ISSUE NO. 2 May 2018
GSJ 8(2) 209–376 (2018) ISSN 2042-5791
Introduc on
The boundaries of the rm in global strategy: Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra,
Ram Mudambi, and Torben Pedersen ..................................................................... 211
Research Ar cles
Boundary spanners and intra-MNC knowledge sharing: The roles of
controlled mo va on and immediate organiza onal context:
Dana Minbaeva and Grazia D. Santangelo ............................................................ 220
Ins tu onal determinants of ownership posi ons of foreign acquirers in
Africa: Kimberly M. Ellis, Bruce T. Lamont, R. Michael Holmes Jr.,
Sangbum Ro, Leon Faifman, Kaitlyn DeGhe o, and Heather Parola ................. 242
How to achieve bene ts from diversity in interna onal alliances:
Mechanisms and cultural intelligence: Robin Pesch and
Ricarda B. Bouncken .................................................................................................. 275
Network informa on and cross-border M&A ac vi es: Jun Xia, Xufei Ma,
Tony W. Tong, and Weiwen Li ................................................................................... 301
Advanced service o shore outsourcing: Exploring the determinants of
capability development in emerging market rms: Kris n Brandl,
Peter D. Ørberg Jensen, and Manya Jaura Lind ..................................................... 324
Flexibility as rm value driver: Evidence from o shore outsourcing:
Jongmoo J. Choi, Ming Ju, Masaaki Kotabe, Lenos Trigeorgis, and
Xiao an T. Zhang ....................................................................................................... 351

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