Corporate change: change involving your job is often tough, but, as they say, if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger.

AuthorWiesner, Pat
PositionOn Management - Column

A FEW TIMES OVER THE YEARS, WE AT Wiesner Publishing LLC have sold some magazines to other publishing companies. It's always a difficult time because when change affects your job, one becomes uneasy.


We recently did it again, and we have had to deal with all the problems brought on by change and uncertainty.

This change was a little easier for me to observe as a non-participant because I've been retired for a few years, having sold my stock to the present management of the company.

The first question arising from a business deal like this is, "Are both companies better off?" Our latest deal was a pretty good one for everyone. We sold a group of magazines, our Homes and Lifestyles Group (magazines like Colorado Homes & Lifestyles, Mountain Living, Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles, etc.) to a publishing company that has a much larger group of this type of magazine, and that has the resources to provide a great future for the magazines and people who make them happen.

The magazines we still have in Wiesner Publishing (ColoradoBiz, Trucking Times, a group of insurance magazines and a couple of Web-oriented businesses) are in a company with a terrific balance sheet, lots of money in the bank and a bright future with the promise of lots of growth. Both companies are better off.

The next question: "How about the people involved in the transaction?"

If both companies are better off, the people should automatically be better off ... right? Well yes, if the companies involved do their part, and the people involved realize the opportunity that exists.

What must a company do for its people? Simply, it should make sure that everyone knows exactly what is going on, and exactly what each individual's prospects for the future will be. Often, as in our case, there will be lots of opportunity presented to our...

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