Introduction to Hospital Mergers

A. Introduction
This chapter provides a brief, non-technical introduction to hospital
merger challenges in the United States. It includes a general description
of certain trends in hospital merger litigation and introduces methods of
analysis and arguments utilized in the antitrust assessment of hospital
combinations. The main goal of the chapter is to offer readers a broad
analytical overview; subsequent chapters provide an in-depth look at
specific issues that have arisen in hospital merger review.
B. History of Hospit al Merger Litigation
Over the past three decades, the hospital industry has seen substantial
consolidation and a great deal of merger litigation. The 1990s marked a
tumultuous period of restructuring among firms in the U.S. health care
sector. In an effort to streamline operations, providers and payors
reorganized both themselves and their relationships with patients. The
growing presence of managed care placed enormous pressure on
hospitals to reduce excess capacity and costs, while improving the
quality of patient care. The result was a period of rapid and substantial
consolidation. After a brief lull during the first decade of this century, the
consolidation trend has continued as physician groups, health plans, and
hospital systems, spurred in part by health care reform, have continued to
seek ways to contain costs, shore up market positions, and achieve
improvements in care.1
Over the years, hospital consolidation frequently has clashed with
Section 7 of the Clayton Act’s prohibition on mergers that result in a
“substantial lessening of competition.” Since the mid-1980s, enforcers
have litigated against 17 hospital mergers under Section 7, with a number
of other matters either settling or being abandoned after a complaint was
1. See, e.g., Leemore Dafny, Hospital Industry Consolidation Still More
To Come?, 370 N. ENG. J. MED. 198 (2014); Rich Daly, Hosp ital
Consolidation Trend To Continue, HEALTHCARE FIN. MGMT. ASSN
HEALTHCARE BUS. NE WS, June 16, 2014; Helen Adamopoulos, 10 Key
Healthcare Transaction Trends, BECKERS HOSP. REVIEW, Feb. 7, 2014.

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