Introduction: The COVID-19 Shock to Our Deep Inequities: How to Mitigate the Impact

AuthorMichal Grinstein-Weiss,Carol Graham
Published date01 November 2021
Date01 November 2021
ANNALS, AAPSS, 698, November 2021 7
DOI: 10.1177/00027162211069426
The COVID-19
Shock to Our
Inequities: How
to Mitigate the
1069426ANN The Annals of The American AcademyThe Covid-19 Shock to Our Deep Inequities
Keywords: COVID; inequality; public health; racial
differences; vulnerability
The COVID-19 pandemic affected nearly
every aspect of household health, as well as
the social and economic well-being of individu-
als and communities across the United States.
Many in our society have faced and continue to
face unprecedented challenges. Specifically,
the pandemic put a microscope on inequities
such as racial disparities in housing, health
care, and food insecurity, while revealing the
cracks in our safety net, all of which resulted in
a disproportionate impact of the pandemic on
individuals with preexisting socioeconomic dis-
advantages. Minorities in essential jobs, for
example, were much more likely to get infected
with COVID and die from it; and other margin-
alized groups, such as illegal immigrants, were
excluded from government assistance pro-
grams. This special issue of The ANNALS
focuses on how and where the COVID-19 pan-
demic exacerbated preexisting inequalities in
all these areas, as well as on potential strategies
to address or at least mitigate them.
Carol Graham is a senior fellow at Brookings, College
Park Professor at University of Maryland, and a Gallup
senior scientist. She is a world-recognized expert on
well-being economics and has received awards for her
pioneering research and for her books and publications
in Science, Social Science and Medicine, and many
other journals.
Michal Grinstein-Weiss, a leading expert in asset build-
ing and promoting policy solutions for socioeconomic
mobility in the United States and internationally, is the
Shanti Khinduka Distinguished Professor at the Brown
School, director of the Social Policy Institute at
Washington University in St. Louis, and a nonresident
senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

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