
AuthorJonathan Rosenbloom
Introduction xi
is book is the rst to index and reprint a subchapter of the SDC. Due to
the immediacy of the climate change challenge, we chose to print the Cli-
mate Change Subchapter in full  rst to make it as accessible as possible. Our
hope is that it will be usefu l to local communities regard less of their popula-
tion and location and that it will help expedite the mitigation of greenhouse
gas emissions (GHGs). As the SDC rolls out future chapters we hope to make
them available in print format.
is book provides local governments with a diversity of approaches to
reduce GHGs and/or increase natural features t hat absorb GHGs, such as
trees and wetlands.  is book focuses on actions that are traditionally withi n
local governments’ la nd use and development author ity. e recommend a-
tions focus exclusively on enacted ordinances (i.e. not policies or informal
statements) that are part of the development code. While some SDC recom-
mendations may overlap with building codes and comprehensive plans, we
are as cogniza nt as possible to keep the recommendations within the devel-
opment code and process.
Although SDC recommendations cite and describe enacted ordinances,
each community should ensure that newly enacted ordinances are within
their specic local authority, have not been preempted, and are consistent
with state comprehensive planning laws. Also, the eects described in SDC
recommendations are based on existing examples. ose eects may or may
not be replicated elsewhere. If you adopt an ordinance or adopt a GHG
reduction ordinance not part of the SDC, we would very much like to hear
about your ex perience.
Finally, we believe that the climate change recommendations in this book
are critical to helping localities and states meet their GHG reduction targets.
If your community would like to discu ss any of the recommendations, please
contact us at:

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