
AuthorFrank B. Friedman
Chapter 1:
This book was written to help managers deal with the complex problems
of environmental protection. Although the environmental protection
field arising from federal environmental law is only 35 years old, it is quite
complicated. I have been privileged to work in this field almost from its be-
ginning, first as a lawyer and then as a manager-lawyer. My work has taught
me many lessons, sometimes at considerable cost. In the hope that these les-
sons can benefit other managers, I have included in this book a wide variety of
practical hints based on the experiences of myself and others in finding cre-
ative solutions to complex environmental problems. The book also tries to
sort out industry concerns as to what types of regulations make sense, exam-
ine environmental programs that improve productivity and ensure environ-
mental compliance, look at the interaction of business with the community
and government, and perhaps dispel some of the myths surrounding industry
and its attitudes and motivations toward the environment.
Much of the book is based on my experiences at Elf Atochem North
America, Inc. (Ato, now Arkema) and my prior experiences at the Occiden-
tal Petroleum Corporation (OPC), although filled in substantially by further
experience as a consultant to a broad variety of industries. The book empha-
sizes program aspects that are generally applicable, rather than those unique
to Ato or Occidental. I have used these experiences to make the book more
specific, concrete, and—I hope—helpful. Therefore, my frequent refer-
ences to Ato’s and Occidental’s programs should not be taken as puffery,
but as illustrations of how companies use the principles of environmental
management. These principles apply to many different industries with var-
ied cultures.
Gus Speth, past president of the World Resources Institute, noted:
Important as pressure from environmentalists and governmental
direction are to stimulating change, in the end only the corporate
community can efficiently provide the necessary organization,

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