
AuthorFaith Dianne Pincus
ProfessionAttorney and former Federal Law Clerk
This book is a long time coming. I tend to like speaking more than writing,
so it took a while. It’s based on almost thirty years of experience training
various professionals, starting with political candidates and elected officials
and extending to attorneys, heads of national nonprofits, executives, friends,
and others—as well as my formal education in rhetoric and communication.
It’s organized by topic, so feel free to skip around.
However, if you really want to improve your presentation skills, it’s
important that you do read about each area of public speaking—Audience,
Message, and Image/Delivery—otherwise known as my AMITM method
of public speaking.
You need to know about and work on all three to be your best.
You’ll find my discussion about knowing your Audience in
Chapter Two.
And even if you think all you want or need to do is improve your
image and delivery style, it really is critical you read how to organize your
presentation, which you’ll find in Chapters Three, Four, and Five, all under
“Message.” Disorganized presentations are one of the biggest problems—and
most common mistakes—speakers make. They are also the ones audiences
will not forgive, regardless of your delivery acumen.
Chapters Six through Ten will give you skills you need to make your
delivery more exciting and captivating—to help you reach your audience.
While almost everything in this book applies to presentations made
by attorneys in and out of court (and I point out when my advice does
not apply in court), in Part Two I specifically address in-court-related
speaking settings.
For the trial level oral argument chapter and the trial advocacy chapter
(Chapters 11 and 15), I’ve summarized insight I’ve obtained from many
judges and justices interviewed for this book, as well as those who have
shared their stories and insight with me over the past fourteen years I have
had my Continuing Legal Education company.
I’ve also included three guest chapters by very well-respected attorneys
and a retired judge, all dedicated specifically to in-court speaking settings.
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