An interview with Jodie Evans.

AuthorKaplan, Penelope
PositionLetters to the Editor - Letter to the editor

I was stunned when I read Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans's comments in regards to Code Pink and Obama's war policies (Interview by David Barsamian, November issue). In the interview, Evans stated, "Then, at the Inaugural, Code Pink was the only organization that was out there against Obama. We had our little pink ribbons on our fingers. And then we did can-cans outside of all the balls. 'Yes, we can-can end war.' "

But shortly after Obama's election in November, 2008, Code Pink sent out a letter stating that "an Obama victory is a victory for the peace movement," and "War is SO over."

During the campaign, Obama favored expanding the military and the war in Afghanistan and increasing the military budget. Clearly, he was not an anti-war candidate. Now, Evans is claiming that Code Pink was "the only organization against Obama"? This was certainly not the case.

Evans and Code Pink need to acknowledge their mistakes. If people don't acknowledge their mistakes, they're highly likely to repeat them. And we sure don't need that.

Penelope Kaplan

Chicago, Illinois

I consider myself a liberal...

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