
AuthorJennifer Duncan-Brice
Chapter 25
Defined: Interrogatories are written questions directed to a party requesting that party to provide sworn answers
to the questions.
Scope of Chapter: General principles and techniques about interrogatories; how to propound interrogatories;
how to respond, including both answering and objecting; supplemental and amended answers; motion practice
related to interrogatories; and evidence issues.
Strategic Considerations:
Propounder: Draft interrogatories that identify the requested information with reasonable particularity. Use
Definitions and Instructions sections to make the interrogatories more concise, effective, clearer, and less
Respondent: Work with the client to compile the responsive information. To avoid waiving objections to the
interrogatories, timely serve a written response asserting all the objections you want to preserve. If the inter-
rogatories seek confidential information, propose the parties enter into a Confidentiality Agreement, or stipulate
to a protective order.
Statutes and Rules:
SCR 201(b) (permissible scope of discovery).
SCR 201(c) (protective orders).
SCR 201(d) (time to serve interrogatories).
SCR 213(a) (service of interrogatories).
SCR 213(c) (limit on number or sets of interrogatories).
SCR 213(d) (answers and objections).
SCR 213(f) (disclosure of witnesses and testimony).
SCR 213(g) (limitation on testimony and freedom to cross-examine)
SCR 213(h) (use of interrogatories).
SCR 213(i) (amending answers).
SCR 219(a) (motion to compel discovery).
SCR 219(c) (failure to comply with discovery order).
Related Topics: All Discovery, Ch 20; Requests for Admissions, Ch 26; Production of Documents and Other
Things, Ch 22; Discovery Disputes, Ch 27; Depositions, Ch 23; Presuit Activities, Ch 2.
Forms: See digital access for the following forms:
Form 25:10, Standard Personal Injury Interrogatories.
Form 20:30, Stipulated Protective Order.
Form 20:40, Acknowledgment of Stipulated Protective Order.
IllInoIs PretrIal PractIce 25-170
I. General Points
§25:01 Basic Principles
§25:02 Advantages
§25:03 Disadvantages
§25:04 Propounded by Parties, on Parties
§25:05 Who Are “Parties”?
§25:06 Non-Individual Entities
§25:07 Answers Binding at Trial
§25:08 Limit on Number
§25:09 Duty to Supplement
§25:10 Uniform Interrogatories
II. How to Use Interrogatories
A. General Points
§25:20 Goals and Purposes
§25:21 Strategy and Tactics
B. Using Interrogatories With Other Discovery
§25:30 With Depositions
§25:31 With Document Requests
§25:32 With Requests for Admissions
§25:33 When to Delay Interrogatories
C. Types of Interrogatories
§25:40 Contention Inquiries
§25:41 “Source-of-Information” Inquiries
§25:42 “Should-Have-Done” Inquiries
§25:43 Expert Opinion Inquiries
§25:44 Damage Inquiries
III. Propounding Interrogatories
A. Format
§25:50 Caption
§25:51 Title
§25:52 No Blank Space for Response
§25:53 Numbering
§25:54 Signature
§25:55 Service
B. Preliminary Parts
§25:60 Introductory Statement
§25:61 Instructions
25-171 InterrogatorIes
§25:62 Definitions
§25:63 Applicable Time Period
§25:64 Basis for Claim of Privilege
C. Drafting Techniques
§25:70 Elements of Good Interrogatories
§25:71 Be Precise and Meticulous
§25:72 Be Simple and Direct
§25:73 Unnecessary Document “Identification”
§25:74 Don’t Seek Lengthy Narrative
§25:75 Break It Down
§25:76 Force “Yes” or “No” Response
§25:77 Subparts
§25:78 Quote Language at Issue
§25:79 No Legal Opinions
§25:80 Dealing With “Artful Dodgers”
D. Areas of Inquiry
§25:90 Scope of Inquiry
§25:91 How to Identify Areas
§25:92 Element of Surprise
§25:93 People With Relevant Knowledge
§25:94 People Who Contributed to Answers
§25:100 Supporting Claims or Defenses
§25:101 Collateral Facts
§25:102 Party Admissions
§25:103 Damages
§25:104 Criminal Convictions
§25:105 Insurance Coverage
a. General Points
§25:110 Disclosure of Identities and Addresses of All Witnesses
§25:111 Disclosure of Testimony
§25:112 Materials Relied On
b. Lay Witnesses
§25:120 Defined
§25:121 Disclosure Requirements
c. Independent Experts
§25:130 Defined
§25:131 Disclosure Requirements
d. Controlled Experts
§25:140 Defined
§25:141 Disclosure Requirements
§25:142 Calculation of Damages
§25:143 Consultants (Non-Testifying Experts)

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