International law.

AuthorSeay, Pamella A.
PositionBoard certification

Events throughout the past two years have emphasized the heightened importance of international relations. Growing reliance on a global economy and the widening impact of international relations illustrates the need for understanding and addressing the concerns of an increasingly global community.

Law is not immune to this international dynamic.

Florida has become an international gateway and destination. Whether the subject is ownership of property, creating and conducting business abroad, working with foreign nationals, representing multinational corporations, or assisting local companies with their international engagements, expertise in international law is now an essential component to the practice of law in Florida. Gradually, the general public is becoming aware of the distinctive expertise and availability of international law practitioners.

When international law began to gain recognition, many who desired to specialize in this area sought some indication of distinction and expertise. First came a committee, followed by designation; then in 1982 the section was established, and finally, board certification was approved in 1997. Thousands of hours have been expended in this effort, and the concept of an international lawyer has finally emerged within the profession.

The standards for certification define international law as: "The practice of law dealing with issues, problems, or disputes arising from any and all aspects of the relations between or among states and international organizations as well as the relations between or among nationals of different countries, or between a state and a national of another state, including transnational business transactions, multinational taxation, customs, and trade. The term `international law' includes foreign and comparative law." In essence, if your practice crosses national borders or involves persons or businesses in another country, you may well be practicing international law.

Of those states that offer specialty certification for lawyers, Florida is the only state that currently offers certification in international law. There are 26 Florida lawyers who have achieved certification in international law. This year, two more attorneys have submitted their applications and will take the exam this spring.


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