Interlocutory Review of Pretrial Rulings by Means of Prerogative Writs

AuthorAnthony G. Amsterdam/Martin Guggenheim/Randy A. Hertz
ProfessionUniversity Professor and Professor of Law at New York University/Fiorello LaGuardia Professor of Clinical Law at New York University School of Law/Professor of Clinical Law at NYU School of Law
§ 26.01 The Availability of Prerogativ e Writs to Obtain
Interlocutory Review of Pretr ial Rulings
In most jurisdictions, pretrial rulings denying defense motions or resolving other issues
unfavorably to the defense are unappea lable because of the absence of any appellate juris-
diction to entertain interlocutory appeals. See, e.g., In the Matter of Appeal in Maricopa
County Juvenile Action No. JT-295003, 126 Ariz. 409, 411, 616 P.2d 84, 86 (Ariz. App.
198 0); In the Interest of A.M., 94 I ll. App. 3d 86, 88, 418 N.E.2d 484 , 485, 49 Ill. De c. 630
(1981). The ordinary means of securing appellate rev iew of claimed errors in pretrial
rulings is an appeal from the tr ial court’s judgment adjudicating the respondent a delin-
quent and entering a dispositional order. See § 39.02 infra.
Interlocutory review by an appellate cour t may nonetheless be available through the
prerogative writs of mandamus a nd prohibition. In the vast majority of jurisdictions,
statutes or the common law give appellate courts the power to issue these prerogative
writs. In appropriate circumstances the writs may be used to obtain im mediate review
of pret rial orders in delinquency cases. See, e.g., Dan iel V. v. Super ior Cour t, 139 Ca l. App.
4th 28, 39–40, 49, 42 Cal. Rptr. 3d 471, 477–78, 485 (2006) (granting a petition for a
peremptory writ of mandate on the grou nd that the trial judge had abused her discre-
tion by erroneously denying, as untimely, a petition for judicial disqualif ication under a
statute that “calls for automatic reassig nment [of t he case] to another judge if a challenge
is duly presented”); P.V. v. Distric t Court in and for the Tenth Judicial Dist rict, 199 Colo.
357, 609 P.2d 110 (1980) (granting a petition for writs of prohibition and mandamus and
directing t he trial court to d ismiss a delinquency Petition for violation of the juvenile’s
constitutional and statutory rights to a speedy tr ial); People ex rel. Thomas v. Judges of the
Family Court, 85 Misc. 2d 569, 379 N.Y.S.2d 656 (N.Y. Supreme Ct., Special Term 1976)
(issuing a wr it of prohibition forbidding the Family Court to tr y a juvenile on a Peti-
tion that was barred by double jeopardy); State in the Interest of Joshua, 327 So. 2d 429

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