Intelligence CIO seeks to consolidate authority.

PositionSECURITY BEAT: Homeland Defense Briefs

Dale Meyerrose, the first associate director of national intelligence and chief information officer, is putting all the task forces, oversight committees, councils and working groups that operate in his domain on notice. Their days are numbered, he said.

He counted more than 100 organizations in the intelligence community that oversee procurement and management of information technology systems.

"We're going to eliminate almost all of those, and streamline that down to something somebody can list on a single sheet of paper or count on the fingers of both hands," Meyerrose told the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association.

The "committee approach" to solving IT problems is a thing of the past with the formal creation of the intelligence CIO position, Meyerrose said.

The intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act of 2004 mandated the creation of the intelligence information technology czar. The Senate accepted his appointment after a closed-door confirmation hearing.

Meyerrose--who began his tenure in December after serving more than 30 years in the Air Force--is tasked with "managing activities relating to the information technology infrastructure and enterprise architecture of the entire intelligence community," according to the law. That...

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