Inside the colors of Carnaval.

PositionNovember 19, 2004-August 28, 2005 - Brief Article

CARNAVAL, A NEW traveling exhibition, promises to transport museum goers to the dazzling sights, sounds, and pageantry of Carnival celebrations around the world. Focusing on eight rural and urban locations in Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and North America, the exhibit ion offers virtual tours of Tlaxcala, Mexico; Recife/ Olinda, Brazil; Oruro, Bolivia; Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago; as well as New Orleans, U.S.A.

Featuring forty-nine authentic, vibrant costumes, fifteen video programs, and numerous large-scale on-site photo murals, Carnaval re-creates the atmosphere of motion, color, music, and sound that is part of every Carnival tradition. The exhibition's unique Interactive approach Invites visitors to consider the themes of masquerade...

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