Information for Contributors
Published date | 01 March 2021 |
Date | 01 March 2021 |
DOI | |
Information for Contributors 355
Public Administration Review,
Vol. 81, Iss. 2, pp. 355–356. © 2021 by
The American Society for Public Administration.
DOI: 10.1111/puar.13380.
About the Journal
Public Administration Review (PAR) is dedi-
cated to advancing theory and practice in
public administration. PAR ser ves a wide
range of audiences globally. As the preeminent
professional journal in public administration, Public
Administration Review (PAR) strives to publish
research that not only advances the science and
theory of public administration, but also incorporates
and addresses the realities of the practice of public
e PAR editorial team takes pride in our rigorous
review process. Although we strive for rigor, we also
seek to provide quality service to our contributors.
Operationally, this means we try to oer high quality,
timely feedback. e standard time for full peer review
is typically less than 90 days from receipt of a manu-
script to an editor’s decision. If our internal editorial
review concludes a manuscript is not suitable for full
peer review, then we usually have a decision to authors
within 14 days after submission of a manuscript.
As a professional journal, PAR encourages submis-
sions from both scholar and practitioners. Regardless
of the aliations of our authors, our readers value
research informed by practice and practice informed
by research. Since its founding in 1940, PAR has regu-
larly published articles contributed by practitioners.
We also encourage scholars and practitioners to consider
co-authorship as a means for co-producing relevant,
timely, and quality research. In addition to articles, PAR
oers other opportunities for practitioners to share their
knowledge and experience. ese opportunities include
our newest feature, Viewpoint, which shares salient
practice-oriented research, and Book Reviews. More
details about these features appear below.
PAR Features
Research Articles. PAR welcomes manuscripts using
diverse theoretical and research frameworks about
topics across the domain of public administration.
Articles are expected to adhere to high-quality
scientic standards and promote knowledge and
understanding for professionals and practitioners
interested in theory, empirical research, and salient
developments in the eld. Research topics appropri-
ate for PAR encompass a broad domain, ranging
from theoretical and empirical research about public
organizations, policy analysis, evaluation research, and
normative theory that explores value questions associ-
ated with public administration. To this end, PAR
encourages submissions that emphasize these broader
elements as well as pieces that have a particular focus,
including, but not limited, to international and com-
parative research, and research syntheses.
International and comparative research that builds
knowledge and theory that is useful for practitioners
and scholars around the world is encouraged. PAR
is dedicated to engaging the global public adminis-
tration community through research that provides
readers with opportunities to compare practices and
processes and interpret international trends and devel-
opments in the eld.
Research syntheses should apply a rigorous and critical
assessment of a body of theory and empirical research,
articulating what is known about a phenomenon
and ways to advance research about the topic under
review. Research syntheses should identify signicant
variables and eect sizes, a systematic and reproduc-
ible search strategy, and a clear framework for studies
included in the larger analysis. Meta-analyses that
statistically combine studies to determine an overall
eect or eect size are encouraged.
All submissions should include three to ve sentence-
length takeaway points for readers that provide
Evidence for Practice. Articles from practitioners or co-
authored by practitioners and scholars are welcome.
Authors should submit manuscripts electronically
through PAR’s online submission portal – Editorial
Manager (
NOTE: Beginning January 2018, PAR will no
Information for Contributors
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